Explore the path to your

optimum health

with ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL CLINICS Bogotá alternative medicine clinics Bogota

Are you ready to start your Path to HEALTH and JOYFULLNESS? Register for this FREE MASTERCLASS!

Have they told you in the E.R that you are O.K? ¿that´s all OK and normal?

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Have you been to various allopathic medicine clinics as well as several alternative, holistic, complementary, or functional medicine clinics in Bogotá, Cali, Medellin, Cartagena, Barranquilla, and even abroad, and you’re still unwell? Do you feel that nobody understands you and that doctors don’t believe you?

Are you feeling worried because you’ve undergone laboratory tests that don’t show any results, and even though the tests say there’s nothing wrong with you, you still don’t feel well?

¿there´s something that smells bad and you can´t pinpoint it and fix it?

Do you suffer from any of these unexplained symptoms?

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Memory Loss / Mental Lapses
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Anxiety / insomnia
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Concentration Difficulties
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Constant Depression
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Weight gain

Didi you said YES to any of these? Then change your life today:

You´re not the only one in this boat so you are not alone.

And the most inportant…

There really is an Explanation for all these bad and “unexplainable” symptoms.

There´s ALWAYS a SOLUTION (and here in ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE DR BUSTOS we know how to make it done)!

¿How do I know it? Because I’ve been in your place, right there… sick even though I had an “excellent diet” (I thought) and so I searched for a solution for years until I found it…

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¿Are you ready to understand what´s happening inside you? then subscribe to this MASTERCLASS where we explain you all that´s happening for FREE!

Look at the explanation of why your symptoms are happening...

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Some of these things you have already experienced, right?

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Your life is being controlled by the illness... Are you ready to take it back?

The information we will give you is about to change your life.

These diagnostic tools of Alternative Medicine are up to 100 times more powerful than some tests

And most likely, you haven't tried it... you just need an alternative medicine doctor who is qualified in Chinese Medicine and skilled in Facial Diagnosis and Radiesthesia!

(And it can be used in the office or from home!)

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This exam it´s called Meta Oxy Test

This unknown test is 50x+ more powerful than blood tests.

And you have never used it… in Colombia they don't know it and no one else sells it!
It's Fast, Economical and Accurate!

(and you can do it a home)

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Imagine if you could truly know the real cause of your "mysterious" health problems...

Imagine how relieved you would feel once you have finally found the test that points to the problem…

When you finally confirm that you have something and it’s not just “your imagination” as you’ve been told until now…

And most importantly… Now you will know what to do to solve your problem!

This is what you are going to experience when you join our program...

Analysis of cellular inflammation through radiesthesia and facial diagnosis

If you want to understand DEFINITELY what has been happening to you all this time, it's time for you to wake up and take ACTION.
In alternative medicine clinics in Bogotá, Dr. Bustos, we explain it to you.

There´s a science called Radiesthesia that is used for finding water, locating wells, etc. It can also be utilized to determine cellular toxicity levels in the body. Radiesthesia can be used in the medical field in various ways, allowing for tasks such as balancing energies in the chakras, among other things cosas.

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Using this tool, qualified personnel can help determine with a high degree of certainty what needs to be done to restore balance to the body and how to implement it.

We know that INFLAMMATION is one of the biggest issues facing society right now, and although we have the PCR test to measure that inflammation, the reality is different…

If you go to the doctor right now and get a PCR test, it will only come back positive when you have marked inflammation in blood vessels or certain organs, meaning the disease HAS TO BE ADVANCED.

How did the ancient Taoists diagnose with Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Instead, the Ancient Chinese Taoist Physicians They could determine much earlier what was happening using ‘NON-CONVENTIONAL’ tools such as RADIESTHESIA and THE CHINESE FACIAL DIAGNOSIS, similar to the PULSE and the tongue, which have been used for millennia to DIAGNOSE long before the SYNDROMES that will later lead to the ILLNESS as you know it, and we use these tools in alternative medicine at Dr. Bustos in Bogota

So, if you rush to your doctor to get tests done, the most probable scenario is that the REAL inflammation at the CELLULAR level won’t be visible in the examination, and when you receive the PCR results…

It´s all normal.

And what happens next, they already know… a pat on the back for “good luck” and may God bless you because everything seems to be fine. Then you have to start the novena to “San Gregorio” all over again.

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And if I tell you that?

In acute illnesses, traditional allopatic medicine is the best.
but in CRONICS... They don´t know what to do!

You see, in Chinese Medicine, chronic pathologies caused by inflammation can be detected much earlier. That’s why the Chinese treat the cause before it is diagnosed in traditional medicine.

While an organ takes years to become inflamed, an ultrasound only shows that it is inflamed after years of being sick when there is a SIGNIFICANT MANIFESTATON of a problem that began much earlier at the CELLULAR level.

That´s were FATTY LIVERcomes in, the HEPATOMEGALY o la CIRRHOSIS for example, come into play… but fundamentally, the organ didn’t get sick suddenly; it took several years of excesses to become ill. And these, indeed, can be detected with CHINESE MEDICINE much earlier.

So, what are the alternative doctors in Bogotá and throughout Colombia overlooking?

What most doctors are overlooking is that the ENTIRE CELLULAR GROUP is MALNOURISHED and extremely TOXIC. This happens to such an extent that we already have “NORMAL” toxic levels, which are not normal under any circumstances, and they end up making us sick in the long run.

And if there are no access routes, the food doesn’t reach (imagine a 10-year strike). So, intoxicated at the most basic level we understand, there are NO NUTRIENTS that can penetrate to the intracellular matrix, and often, they don’t even reach the extracellular

Look at it this way, it’s like someone having the pantry at home filled with the healthiest foods available but instead goes out every day to eat fast food, sodas, etc. hey can’t reach the blood where they should be, and they stay in the pantry.

That’s what happens when we change our diet without detoxifying; the cells cannot receive nutrition because the nutrients from the food cannot be consumed.

A body that doesn't absorb nutrients... extremely toxic... It has no capacity to heal!

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And this is why many cannot fight against illness!

Si Tú quieres saber qué hacer para empezar a sanar, necesitas solicitar una consulta medica en clinicas medico alternativo bogota Dr Bustos con Radiesthesia and Chenese Facil Diagnosis NOW. It´s fast and REALLY effective.

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what are you waiting for?

You can access these diagnostic methods by taking our specialized consultation in alternative medicine.

You don´t get only the TEST.

Additionally, you are entitled to a 45-minute in-person consultation in Bogota where the Doctor will be evaluatingyou and explain the diagnostic findings.

After 10 years of experience treating people, we can see many things that go beyond the obvious and that only a well-trained eye can detect. You not only take the test but also receive attention from a qualified doctor in alternative health. This is how, together, we will find the best path for you to regain your health.

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Are you ready for a doctor to finally listen to you and guide you on the path to health? Do you want us to show you how you can feel better?


How much all of this cost?

Only $399,000 Colombian pesos with the CELLULAR INFLAMMATION TEST or $250,000 WITHOUT THE TEST.

Think about all the doctors you have visited, all the co-payments you have made for consultations, tests, and treatments you have tried before that haven’t at least helped slow down the progression of the disease. Now think about how many millions you spent…

Now look at how your illness is deteriorating your energy every day, your happiness, your job success, your interpersonal relationships, and even your self-confidence…

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Think about it... if the answers you've been searching for for years were available for less than the price of a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label, would you pay for them?

The cost of the information and the tests is not the issue... think about all the money you will spend on remedies, doctors, procedures, surgeries, tests, and the loss of YOUR Quality of Life!

"I understood all the changes I needed to make in my life... which are now my lifestyle..."

Arthritis patient

Here is the reason why you are still sick and losing money

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Want it more clear? Imagine a highly polluted stream (not hard to imagine, right?) where you can’t swim, let alone drink the water because of the rotten smell it has…

How would you clean it?

Do you take a bucket and start removing the pollution from the water?

No right?

But when it’s our body, we always do that… In fact, that’s what we have been doing for years with our symptoms.

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The pollution or symptoms won’t go away easily because there is a SOURCE that continues to produce pollution. There is a factory that is working 24/7 and producing waste all the time, severely contaminating.

In the case of your health, this factory (the cell) is sick, very toxic, and inflamed. Since it can’t fulfill its functions or process all the orders, the toxic content is distributed throughout the body to all tissues.

You’ve tried everything to recover, and that’s why you still don’t feel well…


THE CELL: A power plant

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Optimize yourself!

If you truly address the TRUE ROOT CAUSE of your problems... all the inexplicable symptoms start to disappear.

The ONLY way you can treat the ROOT CAUSE of your problems is by understanding what happens in the Intracellular and Extracellular Matrix…

It’s time for you to discover the ROOT CAUSE…

And in no other alternative medicine clinics in Bogotá will they answer this for you!

"I started the treatment 3 months ago, and today I feel like my life has returned to normal... I want to see how I'll be after a year."

The person who attends to me is a specialist and knows what to do to achieve the best results in the shortest time. Moreover, the doctor has taken the time to explain really what is happening and how to solve it!

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Luis Gonzalez
client of detox programa

After the consultation, we will deliver to you by email or WhatsApp your Personal Plan to eliminate the causes of your problem.

With experience, we know that EVERY PERSON IS UNIQUE, and therefore, the causes and manifestations are different depending on your case. That’s why our information is personalized based on your illness.

(This is not the 7-day celery and parsley detox, nor is it a keto diet that is causing so much harm to people nowadays. The detox plans advertised today are mini-detoxes and don’t even manage to break the tip of the iceberg. The Detox Program is a type of very deep MATRIX CELLULAR detoxification, and with this offer, you will receive the best care with someone who can guide you through this process because THEY LIVED IT THEMSELVES.

You can do more than just be sick …

Here you will receive a guide that explains what the REAL correct human diet is like, and also a Phytotherapy guide where we explain which shakes and smoothies you need to improve faster. In addition, you will get the formulation of alternative treatments that will help you regain your strength and return full of energy to face life.

Think about all the TIME invested, the ENERGY you’ve used, and the MONEY you’ve spent buying cleanses, detoxes, and a bunch of tablets that ultimately haven’t helped you in the long run to solve your problems.

Is it worth investing 399,000 pesos to finally find a clear explanation of what is happening to you and how to remedy it?

¡I think you already know the answer to that question!

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Are you ready to hear the explanation of what's happening to you? Then just enroll in this FREE SPECIAL TRAINING now:

The "Explanation of Sickness" where EVERYTHING has SENCE AT LAST!

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A Illness…


I know for experience that being sick isn´t easy. I´d lived it and it doesn´t fell good at all.

Many doctors prescribe drugs they have never used because they don’t have that disease, and others prescribe the same remedies that don’t work for them in the long run. Here we send you what we know works because we have used them ourselves and have gone through the detoxification process.

I can guide you through the process to help you regain your health.


We came on vacation to Colombia, and after all of us got sick with traveler's disease, the doctor helped us recover quickly, and we enjoyed the trip!

Robert Walters

I came to Dr. Bustos when he worked at another clinic several years ago in very bad condition after doing the keto diet. The recovery was impressive!

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MarIa Jose Cabrera
PATIENT RECOVERED FROM KETO DIET Alternative Medicine in Bogota
More Information


FAQ about alternative medicines

"What sets Alternative Medicine apart from conventional medicine?"

Alternative Medicine address the true causes of the disease, it not only treats the symptoms, which is why it can lead you to heal the body, emotions and mind.

The speed of results varies, but many experience significant improvements in symptoms in a relatively short period and recoveries from illnesses in medium to long periods.

Yes, our treatments are safe and backed by natural and proven approaches. Furthermore, Hippocrates, one of the fathers of Alternative Medicine (yes, not bad) always focused on Primum Non Nocere.

Conscious nutrition is one of the pillars of any real alternative medicine treatment. If your doctor doesn’t change your nutrition, change him. It contributes to balancing the body and supports the effectiveness of other treatments, increasing their effectiveness in some cases.

Yes, Alternative Medicine specializes in addressing chronic and persistent problems, although it also helps with many acute problems such as episodes of gastritis, hemorrhoids, abdominal pain, flu, among others.

Yes, we can collaborate with other healthcare professionals for your benefit and we do it continiusly . Complementary medicine specializes in being a complement to allopathic treatment.

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THE TRUTH of Life and HEALTH and Medicine Specialized in LIFESTYLES

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Av Calle 26 # 69 – 76 Element Bilding Earth Tower Office1104 Bogotá – Colombia

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